Wildfires are becoming ever more frequent and increased annual temperatures have impacted on the occurrence and spread of fires. At the same time, there is growth in urban populations within wildland areas.
There is a need to budget and prepare for fire awareness projects; the focus of the projects should be on areas of high risk.
Communities residing in every Wildland-Urban interface will vary and any awareness campaign needs to be tailored specifically for that community. Planning should also have clear objectives, opportunities for feedback, and importantly, be part of a greater and integrated management plan.
FireWise concepts are fully integrated with the aim to promote Integrated Fire Management, international accepted principles of Community-Based Fire Management and broader environmental goals.
The overall objective of the FireWise Communities Program is to empower interested communities to take responsibility for reducing the risk of uncontrolled fires in their areas. This is achieved by using the collaborative FireWise planning process to transfer knowledge and skills on wildfire prevention, protection and response.
Effective partnerships can resolve community challenges in hazardous Wildland-Urban Interface areas. Benefits include sharing of ideas, expertise, and knowledge, as well as sharing of fire protection responsibilities.