Risk Profile

Planning Fire Management Effectively

Risk Assessment

The impact of prevention activities and fire can affect safety, environment and long-term sustainability of property.

The concept of risk management underpins all decisions in fire management. It involves identifying fire risks and balancing the likely occurrence of a fire against the consequences should one occur. Plans are thus needed to minimise risk. Fire Management Planning takes into account economic, environmental and human risk.

Factors impacting on a risk profile include weather, climate change, fire-related trends, fuel types, age and type, fire history and outdoor activities.

Weather, Climate Change and Fire Trends

Climate change is an alteration of the earth’s general weather conditions. The most prominent change is rising temperatures of earth’s surface. It also includes changes to rainfall patterns and changes in extreme weather events which can lead to natural disasters like flooding.

The magnitude of the projected changes in climate depends on future emissions of greenhouse gasses. These changes are expected to have significant impacts on natural ecosystems and on fire regimes.


The Wildland-Urban-Interface (WUI) describes the area where humans and their assets are exposed to risk from fires.

Urban development is pushing farther out of cities and into the wilderness for both primary and secondary residences. Wildfires are of particular concern in the WUI because these areas comprise extensive flammable vegetation, numerous structures, and ample ignition sources.

Working on Fire understands that fire management planning is a long term, integrated process depending on many factors. It is a process that evolves over time and adapts to changing conditions. We are equipped with the knowledge base to provide a solution for every aspect and implement it successfully.

Our fire management consultants carry out assessments internationally and provide reports and solutions in a clear and user-friendly format.