Fire detection is an important part of an effective fire management program. It can be accomplished in a variety of ways including cameras, satellite electronic detection systems, monitoring and reporting by community members and aerial surveillance.
Firehawk is a computer aided fire detection and risk management system controlled by a human operator utilising cameras that scan 360° in less than four minutes. Communication from cameras to control rooms are via a discrete radio link.
Multi-Tower Capability
Up to 15 remote camera installations can be monitored by a single human operator.
Software Compatibility
User friendly software, using the latest software platforms and operating systems.
24-Hour Detection
Automated detection of smoke and glow 24-hours a day supported by the monitor operator.
Multiple Time Zone Capability
Multiple time zones setup capabilities. (day night and twilight).
One-Touch Geolocation with Cross-Referencing From Second Tower
Geographical GPS information on any camera and sector position by a simple one touch button operation. This provides valuable information to forestry personal, such as fire location and best access details.
Multiple Alarms Reporting Capability
Alarms are reported by the system without affecting any camera scanning its designated area. Unwanted image alarms are also filtered out.
Manual Camera Manipulation
Manual manipulation of any camera in the system without affecting any other camera in the system.
Firefighting Operational Control
The system can be used for Management check ups and controlling fire fighting operations.
Cameras can cover a radius of up to 15 km from the point of installation depending on, amongst others, weather conditions, topography, risk/benefit balance and the optimum detection distance determined by computer-aided simulation for a specific area.
Control Room
Real time video images are transmitted to a control room up to 19 miles from camera installations without repeating required via a private radio link. The FireHawk software then differentiates between fire, smoke and glow and raises an alarm.
One operator can manage 10 to 15 cameras, each providing a permanent 360° view. Positioning is done from a single camera with the ability to cross reference for improved accuracy.
Recording and Reporting
FireHawk provides real-time reporting and recording capabilities and complete integration between cameras, satelites and dispatch.
The system also provides timeline tracking, in-depth reports, historical fire location reports with all event data and footage archived for future reporting and data analysis and monitors operator input and informs management should operators breach any system protocols.
The Advance Fire Information System (AFIS) is an integrated ICT solution developed and owned by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and provides operational near real-time information for the prevention, monitoring, management and assessment of wildfire as a risk or hazard to society on a local, regional and global scale.
Active Fire Detection
AFIS utilises a portfolio of GEO (Geostationary Orbit) and LEO (Low Earth Orbit) Earth observation satellites to detect wildfires globally and is fully integrated with the FireHawk camera system. Locations and images of fires detected by FireHawk are available on the AFIS Web Viewer and Dashboard.
Fire Danger Rating
Five day fire danger forecasts for any location based on the Canadian Fire Weather Index or any custom user specified model. Weather Forecast data acquired from multiple global resources and continuously calibrated to local conditions.
Burned Area Estimation
The CSIR has produced a new merged burned area product by fusing the standard MCD45 and MCD64 MODIS products.
Fire Dashboard
The Fire Dashboard was developed for a control centre environment where operators can setup, integrate and visualise various data sources for a specific area of interest. The dashboard consists of widgets that represent various components such as a dynamic table, Fire Danger forecasts and animated satellite imagery.
Statistics Platform
The AFIS Statistics data portal provide burned area estimates for any administrative boundary or pre-defined area of interest. The statistics are provided in hectares per month for the MODIS merged burned area product (500m) as well as the Landsat 8 burned area product (30m). All statistics are automatically calculated and updated within the data portal.
Web Viewer
The AFIS web viewer is an online GIS system that integrates dynamic fire information with baseline localised data sets to help with planning and the analysis of current and historical fire patterns.
Mobile Application
The AFIS mobile application assist fire managers with fire prediction, detection and historical information based on current location or any defined area of interest. It also includes weather forecasts and vegetation conditions.
Alert Platform
The AFIS alert platform is a state-of-the-art multi-dimensional alert messaging system with a built in GIS capability to allow for the dissemination of various types of alert messages. The alert platform not only allows for basic alerts protocols, but allow users to receive messages based on rule based algorithms.
AFIS integrates multiple data sources, including satellites, automated camera systems and crowd sourcing into a seamless network. It is a hosted software solution and supports both ground based resources through mobile solutions and dispatch control centers with a fire dashboard and integrates with any existing GIS platforms and CMSs (Content Management Systems).
AFIS Predict
AFIS Detect
AFIS Assess